AR Graphics for Kuwait General Elections

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Remote production implementation for Kuwait General Elections, at Kuwait TV

Year-end 2020, witnessed the remote production implementation of WASP3D Election Graphics & Broadcast Services for Kuwait General Elections, at Kuwait TV.

Keen to achieve the highest ratings by being first and getting it right, Kuwait TV entrusted the task of managing the general elections 2020 to WASP3D in early November. To brief, Kuwait Television is Kuwait’s official state-run television station, part of the Kuwaiti Ministry of information and has been associated with us since the year 2009. With a team of 6 WASP3D product specialists from graphics, support & development departments & in mere 15 days, the end-to-end remote production integration of election data to custom graphics was completed.

Today, the viewers consume news information from sources other than television, so providing a comprehensive analysis & insights is extremely important. Keeping the above factors in mind, the custom election graphics package was designed and integrated to live data feeds for KTV.

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